Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ketuanan Melayu

Apa itu Ketuanan Melayu?

Menurut Kamus DBP 'ketuanan' bermaksud - hak menguasai dan memerintah sebuah (negeri, daerah, dll), kedaulatan; contoh: utk menjamin ketuanan politik Melayu, maka dunia politik Melayu harus dirombak;

Soalannya: Apakah kedudukan atau status bangsa melayu sekarang berhak untuk dipanggil tuan oleh bangsa-bangsa lain?

Aku bagi contoh... Seorang makcik melayu yang dah agak berumur bekerja sebagai tukang sapu di sebuah pusat komesial. Lalu seorang tauke cina membawa minuman di tangan dan nak jadi cerita minuman tu tumpah depan makcik tu. Si tauke ini memandang ke arah makcik tadi dengan ada sikit rasa bersalah cakap kat makcik tu, "Sorry ya makcik!" dan kemudian terus berlalu. Makcik ni pun dengan terpaksa sebab dah memang kerja dia terus ambik mop dan bersihkan sisa tumpahan tadi. Di manakah situasi KETUANAN MELAYU yang ingin dipertahankan oleh UMNO?

Adakah ketuanan tu dapat dirasai bila si tauke cina tu mintak maaf sebab tumpahkan minuman tu? Macam tu ke perasaan ketuanan melayu yang perlu dipertahankan?

My point is, the only Malay Supremacy that the UMNOs are shouting of protecting is actually their own interest. They are so greedy that they can't get enough of getting commissions from approving and brokeering projects. They already have millions but they want billions. Why? Because the millions only went to certain people hence they need billions to feed their hundreds of 'balaci'.

If we're talking about Malay Supremacy, please list down how many 100% malay company that can managed to undertake a project or won a big tender and deliver it on their own without having to sort to other races for assistance? NONE... In fact, a lot of UMNOputras that managed to wrestle projects then 'Ali Baba' it to any other companies mostly chinese. Is this the Malay Supremacy thay are talking about? Bullshit...

Datuk Ahmad from UMNO said that the chinese are immigrants and don't deserve any privilege in this country. So stupid ka this fella? Don't tell me that he don't have any chinese friends? If he does, tell him to ask his chinese friends to go back to China. I bet his chinese friends will tell him to f**k off as they were born here in Malaysia and even their fathers were born here in Malaysia. They have never known any other home except Malaysia. They cheer for Malaysian badminton team even when it is against China. We are even proud when LCW managed to get into the final.

Worse is, PM and DPM can only apologies to the people saying that it was not his intention. Lagi bodoh wal bahlul ini 2 orang so called Malaysian leader. Mamat yang cakap tu pun tak mintak maaf lagi tiba2 2 orang mangkuk ni menggelabah mintak maaf on behalf. Bole ke camtu? Macam ni ke tahap pemikiran pemimpin negara?

Wake up people. We are no more in stoneage. We are living in a modern world where racism has no bloody right in the community anymore. We're moving towards peace and survival against globalisation.

My very own opinion is that, there's nothing wrong to protect certain Malay privileges. But the implementation must be right. Corruption must be avoided and fought with full strength and croniysm / nepotism must not be allowed in any government process. Good governance is what we're looking for.

I am a malay myself but I work hard to earn my living. I've never took any shortcuts in order to be wealthy (which I'm still not) and I am very much against corruptions as it actually make my race becoming weaker. Malays don't have the survival instinct anymore or maybe they never have. I'm talking about Malays in Malaysia, who were born here, studied here and working here. If we compare with those who are abroad, they have a different set of thinking which made them tougher to compete face to face.

What's the difference? They are still Malay. Why they think differently? Easy... They don't have any 'Ketuanan Melayu' to depend on, they don't have any subsidies to rely on, they have to fight to survive, they live and work on their on capabilities and be rewarded on merits. That's why.

Can we create that kind of environment in this beloved land? Any takers? I'm in....

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